Thursday, October 2, 2008


My sister Karen and my friend JoAnna tagged me on the same day with the exact same tag, so I guess that means I better do it.

Rules: Link the person that tagged you. Mention these rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yourself and tag 6 fellow bloggers

1.My favorite food for as long as I can remember is mashed potatoes, brown gravy and corn all piled on top of eachother. I want it right now actually.

2.When I am falling asleep, I always rub my feet together. It's just automatic. It is a comfort thing like having a blankey or something.

3.I never rememeber my dreams. Never. I know I dream every night because tiny tid-bits will linger for a second or two but no details and then even the tid-bits are gone before I get our of bed.

4.When I am sick, I refuse to be in my bed. It makes me feel like I am more sick than I am. I always spend sick days in the other bedroom or in the living room where I can watch TV and still feel like I am part of the activities.

5.I very very rarly take baths. I am a shower person. When I have to shave my legs, I adjust the shower spout to hit the wall while I sit down in the tub to shave.

6.One of my pet peaves is picture overload. When I go into a house that has walls chuck full of pictures, I feel claustrophobic.

I choose to tag Lexi Ward, Becca Ward, Natalie Wright, Jessica Anderson, Brooke Peterson, Holley Christensen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when we used to be going to bed at night at Raintree I'd look over and see the blankets moving at the bottom of the bed. I always couldn't help but laugh to myself!! ha ha god times with the feet rubbin!