has been a whirlwind for us the last couple weeks!! Two weeks ago, we got the call that Berkeley would be going to basic training on the 28th of THIS month. Yes, that is one week from today. We quickly put our apartment up for rent and moved out that same weekend. We are now living at my parent't house in Centerville which is a huge blessing for me because I will have company and help while Berkeley is away. Also, saving money and paying off a couple of things will be great! Thanks Mom and Dad!! Berkeley reports on the 28th and basic training ends on June 29th, but there is a chance he may get orders to go directly to tech training. If that happens, then he will be gone for a total of 5 months. We are both confident that we made the right choice in joining the Airforce, but both have our worries and apprehesions about Berkeley being away. Most of our concerns are centered around Asa. A little baby changes a lot in 5 months and Berkeley and I both hate the thought of his daddy having to miss any of it. At the same time, the sooner he goes and get is done with, the better. Asa is doing really well. We took him in for his 2 month well baby visit today. He is growing!! He is now 22 inches long and in the 25th percentile(up from 19" and 3rd percentile). He now weighs 11 lbs 2 oz and is in the 50th percentile (up from 6lbs 3 oz and 5th percentile). He has a little head measuring in at 38 cm which is in the 10th percentile. He is healthy and getting happier all the time. The crying is still often but has decreased so much especially over the last two weeks. He smiles all the time which makes me feel so good! I also love that he visibly recognizes me and the sound of my voice. I am doing pretty well also. I am tired a lot but I guess that comes with the territory of motherhood. I am excited to start exercising consistently again and I look forward to fitting into my old pants hopefully sooner than later!! I have come tot realization that I can't orient my life around Asa all the time. I have to do things I need to do even if he has to sit and cry for while in order for me to accomplish things. That has been a hard adjustment for me, but slowly things are getting better and better. I love my little boy so much and feel like motherhood is the most worthwhile endeavor I could ever be a part of. Last but not least, Berkeley finally got released from his calling as 2nd councelor in the bishopric yesterday. We have loved being a part of the student ward and will miss the people there so very much. At the same time, it will be really nice to be able to sit with my husband again and have him home on Sundays.
Finally, due to Berkeley leaving on such short notice,
we are going to bless Asa THIS Sunday in my parent's ward. All family and friends are invited and we would absoluteley love to see anyone who can make it!
Here is the info:
Date: 4-26-09
Time: 1:00
Location: 950 North Main Street, Centerville
Luncheon: We are bad Mormons and are having a luncheon immediately following Sacrament meeting at the Ward's home in Farmington. Their address is 23 W 580 S Farmington, UT.
We love you all!! We can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support we've recieved over the last couple months!! You guys are great. Hope we see you on Sunday!!