Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blah on Post-Baby Bodies

Any of you have any great advice on how to get your body back to looking somewhat normal after having a baby?? I feel blah. I know it has only been 4 months since I had Asa but I really don't foresee myself getting into a bathing suit this summer. Nope. In the meantime, here is a bit of my new work-out regime.

And here is Asa's new form of working out!! Sorry the video is a little long but the good stuff happens towards the end.


Holley and Brandon said...

First of all, Annie you look GREAT! I totally agree with you though, I feel like I'm never going to get in shape. Also, Asa is so dang cute! I love that he can roll over. Brooks is pretty close but he is still a little too lazy to push himself all the way over.

Wright Family said...

ha ha that was so cute at the end of the video of Asa! and I am inpressed with your push ups, way to go girl! see, I do the girly pushups but not you, you do the real thing! you look great, just don't fret over every little thing that youdon't like about your new mommy body. it does no good. besides you have absolutely nothing to worry about. and I LOVE how you love your little Asa, you are a great mom and I can tell you love your baby. He is lucky to have a mom who gets so thrilled by everything he does.

Kinzie Sue said...

Such cute videos. Kiera was watching with me and saying "hi baby, hi!" and then when the video would end she'd say "more movie, more baby!" I'd say you've got one cute son there, and you're looking great!! I can hardly do three push ups...

Amanda said...

I can identify with the body frustrations--and I didn't even have a cute body before I got pregnant! :) I read an essay a while back called "Take, Eat" about women's post-pregnancy bodies. It is a great perspective and really helped me better appreciate my body. Here's the link to my blog post, which has the link to the article:


Karen said...

OH, i love that baby! I want to hold him and snuggle him again! And by the way, I don't know what you're talking about. You are so tiny!

Laura said...

I know how you are feeling. For me it took a while longer than 4 months. I am sure that if you give yourself more time you will be feeling better.

Dorothy said...

I live in wymount so I cant watch the first video, but I can totally empathize. I gained 35 lbs, lost 25 in the first two weeks, and then nothing for four weeks. I did some research and found that restricting calorie intake has no impact on milk supply. Plus I figured that I was clearly getting plenty because I wasn't losing weight and Summer is totally chunking out. So there you go. I eat less than I want to. I hope it works; I started this yesterday.

Lincoln and Alisia said...

you do look great!! I would also look into doing some pilates. There are some free video workouts available on ultimatepilatesworkouts.com

Tami H. said...

Annie, you look great! However, I know your body probably doesn't feel the same after birthing that baby:) I totally recommend the book/video/ wearing a splint. The book is called Lose Your Mummy Tummy and educates about the diastasis almost all mom's get ( your rectus abdominal muscles separate du;ring pregancy and don't go back on their own) and the exercises you can do to get them back together and the ex's to avoid like sit-ups.

The splint is to help bring the two halves of the recti together and make your exercises more effective and the video helps if you are more of a visual learner.

I am certified in this Tupler Technique and sell the video and splints. The book I would just get on amazon or something. Also make sure you are taking a pharmacuetical grade omega 3 to combat any baby blues and give your body enough of these so you and asa have enough. Babies drain that essential fatty acid from your body like nothing else, its what makes up their brain.