Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Hodge-Podge!

Asa is a piano player...well as much of a piano player as a 7 month old can be. He has fun sitting on the piano bench with Berkeley and drumming the keys.

Last Saturday was Governor's Day, and it is tradition to have a "governor's review" of the state's military forces. The members of the Army and the Air Force have a parade at Rice Eccles Stadium where they march in formation, honor and salute the flag, the governor reviews the troops and then gives a speech. Asa and I went to the event and had a lot of fun. I feel such pride and respect towards the military, especially now that Berkeley is serving. I understand much more the kinds of sacrifices these men and women have to make in order to serve our country. I am very proud of Berkeley for his willingness to serve and I know our family will be blessed for it.

Last, I went to visit my sister Karen and her sweet new baby, Owen. He is such a cute little guy. He is very alert and loves to observe the world around him. The triplets are turning out to be great big sisters and brother.

1 comment:

Lisa and Lance said...

Looks like you have a grand pianist on your hands there! We saw all the military people at the U on saturday, we were wondering what was going on. Now we know! :) That is awesome, good job Berkeley!