Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Asa is totally obsessed with lawn mowers. He's been obsessed with them for a very long time now. If I had a nickel for every time we said "mow-mow" in a day, I might be rich. I keep waiting for this lawn mower phase to pass, but so far there is no end in sight for his total love of grass cutting machines. My mom bought this little bubble blower lawn mower for him at the beginning of the summer and it has been the best investment ever made. He would just push that mower around our yard all day if I let him. Asa also loves to watch videos on YouTube of people mowing the lawn. We can hardly get the computer out without him mauling us and demanding we find videos of "mow-mows". It is like Christmas when Berkeley mows the lawn. We get discounted rent for doing lawn work, and the lawn here is enormous! Mowing this lawn takes quite a bit of time, but Asa will mow with his little mower right along side Berkeley without a break until the job is done. I took some videos and pictures of the boys in action today.


Lexi said...

I love how he's not content to use his own little mower, he wants to use daddy's big mower! So cute. Parker is obsessed with any kind of bulldozer/heavy machinery/big trucks and will say the word "Woo-woo" a million times a day. He got woo-woo from the sound sirens make on police cars, and the term stuck to all vehicles. When we're in the car he demands we drive past this construction zone in town and will relentlessly say "woo-woo" until I say, "Parker, I want you to stop talking about woo-woos until we get home." He stops for about a minute then starts up again. Kids are funny with their little obsessions.

Unknown said...

ha ha ha! That is so freaking adorable Annie! I love it!