Saturday, August 9, 2008

The kittens that I love so much...but they make me so mad!

We have these three little kittens that we see roaming around in our neighbor's ivy/bush area and they are ridiculously cute. I love kittens. These ones make me so mad though because they are wild kittens so they refuse to come anywhere near you. I just want to pet them so bad but they just run if anyone tries to approach them. The other night I was trying to lure them towards me with food. I would throw pieces to them and they would cautiously eat them from a distance but would not come any closer. Here is video Berkeley took of the ordeal.


Jessica Anderson said...

sorry, i have to admit i only made it 30 seconds into the video cause Doug and i are not animal fans... But probably good thing you didn't touch them, they'd probably give you worms anyways.

Shalantie said...

I don't like cats. They reek and leave hair all over everything- But those kittens were cute and I don't mind watching them from a distance. Good job on the video by the way- berk could be the next steve erwin. AND I agree with you- I think that the cats WERE eating your cheese.

Amber Monson said...

Well, I'll admit I didn't even watch the video. well the main reason is because it wouldn't download, and second, I hate cats...well terrified, scared to death, whatever hate works. I cant even look at pictures. So i'm glad you like them and they are in your neighborhood not mine!!!

Wright Family said...

wow, I didn't realize there were that many cat haters! :) Im alergic to them but I still think they are cute and I wish I weren't.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha my favorite was the bickering commentary...oh and Berkely's crodile hunter voice! Was the cheese gouda? ha ha! I love kitty's! Remember mine I had for like a week! yeah that was a one time thing cuz John hates cats! Too bad! So sad!