Sunday, August 22, 2010


Words Asa can now say, or some what say...

-lawnmower (mow-mow)
-grandpa (pa-pa)
-grandma (ma-maw)
-swimming (ING!)
-Karl (kar-kar)
-David (day-day)
-belly button (bee-bee)
-pee pee
-poo poo
-Jesus (he-suh)
-binky (me-me)
-bottle (bah-ble)

I'm sure I have forgotten some and he is beginning to mimick quite a few more words. It is so fun to hear his little voice and know he is learning to talk. He is still signing and knows many words by their signs. It is interesting to see him link words and signs together. For example, the other day, Berkeley and Asa saw a bike outside of the store. Asa touched it and realized that the sun had made it very hot. The entire ride home, Asa would say bike followed by the sign for hot. What a smart little guy we have.

1 comment:

Morgan C said...

...Bra? hahaha funniest video of Asa. ever.