Friday, September 5, 2008

Flashback Friday. "The Thing."

This is a picture of Lexi and I on a jet-skiiing adventure we will not soon forget. About a year and a half or so ago, the Ward family had a reunion at Priest Lake, ID. It was incredibly fun and the scenery was beautiful. One day, Lexi and I decided to go out on the jet ski together. We got pretty far out in the lake when we noticed a pink thing floating in the water. We thought it was a balloon or something so we drove up to check it out. When we got close we both starting screaming a freaking out because the object was definatley NOT a balloon. It was unidentifyable. The thing looked like a rotting piece of human or animal. Maybe a stomach all swelled up and floating there. We were just so curious that we kept driving in circles around it. We made up stories about what it could be. We had to figure it our. Lexi thought that if we could somehow turn the thing over, then we could figure out what it was. We tried to make waves big enough but nothing could flip the thing over. Finally I decided to drive straight forward into it in a effort to turn it over with the front of the jet-ski. I went a little too fast. The thing rode right up the front of the jet ski and almost into my lap! I slowed fast enough that the thing skidded right back down into the water. We were both freaking out. We left it alone after that but to this day I wonder what the thing really was. Weird, I know.


Lexi said...

That's still one of the funniest memories I have of you. Just reading the part about it sliding up the front of the jetski made me laugh so hard. I love you.

Mickelle said...

Annie, you have no lack of adventure in your life.