Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My son is now a bottle boy! He loves his formula too! I have been battling a crappy case of mastitis and that pretty much made up my mind to just bottle feed from now on. He is doing very well with it and I am feeling a lot of freedom knowing I can go out from time to time without constantly worrying about his feeding schedule. Also, and this is the best news to date...ASA IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! He goes down at 8 or 8:30 and for the past two nights he has not woken up until 5 or 6 am!! He eats and then goes back down until 8 am usually. Life is GOOOOOOD!


Liz and Grant said...

Hooray!!! Yahoo!!! That is awesome, enjoy your sleep and freedom:)

Lisa and Lance said...

Wahoo! That is such great news!! I feel ya on the mastitis, wow, not fun at all. I battled throught that a couple months ago! Hopefully you are feeling better now. Yeah for Asa taking a bottle, that is great!

Jessica Anderson said...

I had mastitis with Nixon, it's no fun at all! But I was told the best way to get through it is to nurse through it so the infection can go through quicker. but it sounds like things have already started getting better for you. So glad to hear! As for Asa sleeping through the night already... OMG i'm so jealous!

I haven't looked at your other post coments yet, and I don't know if your milk is already gone or not, but if you put cabbage leafs in your bra and keep them there pretty much all day or however long, your milk will eventually dry up. I dont know how it works, but it's some magical power they have. Good luck with the whole thing!

Justin, Melanie, & Juliet said...

Annie, congrats on the sleeping through the night! He goes to bed so early it's amazing! My little Juliet is a teenager in her sleep habits. Night Owl major and I still haven't figured out how to get her to fall asleep for good earlier, so I am so happy for you!