Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time to Document.

This is a post all about Asa and what he has been learning and doing, so feel free to skip it as it is mainly for my own journaling purposes. Wow, right now is a HARD and FUN time with Asa. He is an energizer battery and he is EVERYWHERE! He has mastered walking and is moving on to running. Often his little feet get ahead of him and he always has bruises on his forehead from taking tumbles. He is a happy baby, but he doesn't stay content with one thing for very long at all. This tends to make very long tiring days for me as I try to keep him entertained. He "talks" all the time, but only has a few real words which are mama, dada, and hello...kind of. He has started doing some signs which is really cool. He signs "eat, more, drink, all done" and he I am trying to teach him a few more. He waves hello and goodbye. He loves to knock on doors. He will go into a room and close the door. Then he will knock and expect me to open the door and say hello...then we repeat the process. He also likes to play peek-a-boo. Since Berkeley has been gone, Asa has played peek-a-boo with him over the webcam a few times. That has been really cute to see him interact with Berkeley in that way since he is gone to tech school. Since Berkeley has been gone, Asa has learned that the phone and the computer mean that we talk to daddy, so anytime he sees either one, he instantly starts saying "dada". He loves bubbles and he will bring me the bubble bottle and blow air through his lips. He is really good at blowing and he blows on ALL his food even if it is already cold. He has a great arm and throws really well. He loves to play with balls. When he is in the bath tub, he loves to lay on his tummy with his head propped up on his arms. He is a great dancer. Even in the car, when music is turned on, he will start bobbing his head up and down. Last week, he started growling. That is hilarious because his whole body gets involved when he decides to growl. He has become obsessed with shoes. He brings me my shoes all the time and he will sit on the floor and try to put his own shoes on. At the same time, he has learned that putting on shoes means that we are going outside so he throws a fit if the door isn't immediately opened after his shoes are on. That's another thing...he has mastered the art of the temper tantrum and it DRIVES ME CRAZY! If something is not just how he wants it then he lets the whole world know about it. I sure love him and I am realizing that being a mom doesn't get easier, but the work just changes. I know it is all worth it.


Matt Fjelstrom said...

Oh, I am so with you! But is is wonderful, isn't it? I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Lisa and Lance said...

He does the same things Ryland does! It is so fun to watch them grow up together. I got your text on saturday, I am sorry I was gone all day and didn't get it until late. We should go swimming soon though. We usually go on thursday. I will call if we go this week.