Friday, July 31, 2009


Solid foods = Nasty poop! Today I put Asa in the exersaucer to play. I went to the kitchen to get some lunch and when I came back in the living room I noticed something in the base of the exersaucer. I got closer and realized that there was a pile of nasty, thick, brown poop that Asa was stomping in with both his feet. I was confused for a second and for some reason poop had not entered my brain until I heard a big toot and then saw more of the nasty poo run down his leg and join the rest under his feet. What a disgusting mess! I pulled him out and washed him from head to toe. Then I had to clean out the base of the exersaucer and the chair thing. Ugh. Sometimes I literally gag when I am up to my elbows in a mess like that! This is the 3rd time I've had to do clean up after a big blow-out. All I have to say is that introducing solid foods has really made things a lot nastier around this place!


Lexi said...

That is an awesome blow-out story! Hilarious to look back on, but not so hilarious in the moment.

Holley and Brandon said...

Oh Annie, I totally know how you feel!! Brooks did the same thing today... well it wasn't quite as bad as yours but it was still pretty gross. Ya gotta laugh to keep from cryin' right??

Karen said...

oh sick! Clean that exersaucer out good now! I don't want it stinking when I get it back. Haha. What a funny Asa.

Morgan C said...

Oh Annie... THIS is the post you were begging me to read? Haha gross! One time my mom was at the doctors office with Ethan. And he was sitting on her lap getting a check up or whatever, and all of a sudden she feels this big toot on her leg. And she looks down, and sees poop. All over her pants. and all down his leg. hehe gross huh! So be grateful it was at home in a baby chair, and not at a doctors office on your pants!