Thursday, February 19, 2009

Due Date Schmoo Date

Welcome to my baby's due date!! This is the day we have talked about for the last ten months and I am afraid it is going to come and go with very little excitement. Yep, not one contraction worth mentioning today. I went to the doctor on Monday and he said I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced, so at least I know good things are indeed happening. My next door neighbor is having her baby today. She is 6 days past her due date and was induced this morning. That will probably be me too, but that's okay. I was having lunch with Berkeley today and realized that I really need to cherish these last few days the two of us have together alone. Our world as we know it is about to change completely. Even if I make it to my inducement, that is only 7 days away. What is 7 more days after 10 long months. No big deal. I am just so excited to meet our little boy, see his face, and get to know his personality. I am so excited to be a mother and the waiting game tends to be very difficult. At the same time, I love being a wife too, and I hope I can make these next few days wonderful with Berkeley and then wonderful with our new addition. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress!


Jessica Anderson said...

You never know when it'll happen.. i was dialated to a 2 and 80% effaced for like 2 months. Then, when my water broke in the middle of the night while I was sleeping, I never went into labor (besides the water breaking) I stayed at a 2 and 80% effaced for hours and hours after the water broke. Never had contractions till they gave me the medicine to make me go into labor (except for the random branxton hicks). So you might get lucky and it'll happen out of no where. But maybe it was all cause the massage pressure points, who knows. Just do A LOT of walking around, go to the mall or something and spend hours on your feet just walking and shopping (cause that's also something you won't get to do very easily for quite a while). Hope it happens sooner then later,though you seem a lot more patient then most women that far along. Good luck!

Kellie said...

i feel your pain :)

Kinzie Sue said...

Yup, walking does wonders, and once you get connected to the machines and have to sit/lay in the bed things seem to slow. So walk. But for now, enjoy the peace and quiet, even if you are uncomfortable. He will be here before you know it! We cannot wait to see the handsome boy, but you know that better than anyone. Good luck!!

Carrie said...

I was 6 days late with Lainey and 3 late with Brady. I LOVE being late. They come out so nice and plump and healthy! My next will be a scheduled c section because we live in a small town. I'm totally asking for a date AFTER my due date. I hopped up and down the RB stairs to get Lainey to come, went into false labor for a few hours. Ate some chili relenos so spicy I cried. False labor. It'll happen when it's suppose to! Goo luck! Sounds to me, though, that you won't make it that much longer, but I could be wrong.

Becca said...

They will come when they come. I would have been late with all mine. Both the girls were induced and with Jonathan my water broke. Enjoy your time with Berkley though, and it is great to finally but a face to the baby you have been taking care of and thinking about for the past 9 months.

Wright Family said...

Way to have a great attitude about it! I was the complete opposite with both. I wanted it to done! Good luck with it all. When you look back on it, everything really goes by so quickly so you are right to think what is 7 more days. I'll be thinking about you guys and we cant wait to see the little guy!

Laura said...

You are right. Enjoy the time that you and Berkley have alone. We love Lily and are grateful that she is ours, but we don't get very much just us time. It is hard though when you are so anxious for your little one to get here. I remember how exciting it was and how badly I wanted to meet Lily.